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Our work is catching attention around the globe

See the different interviews and news articles about the Benoit lab discovery of vanoxerine as a repurposed drug blocking colorectal cancer stem cell functions:

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Le chercheur Yannick Benoit reçoit la « Mention du maire » de la ville de Shawinigan

L'Hebdo du St-Maurice, Shawinigan, October 14th 2023


Ces mentions d'honneur sont remises à des personnalités qui, par leurs actions, contribuent au rayonnement de la Ville de Shawinigan.

Innovative stem cell research takes aim at origins of human cancers

Faculty of Medicine, University of Ottawa, June 27th 2023


Collaborative research team has established a clear link between different types of cancers and their embryonic origins


Un Shawiniganais reconnu pour son travail de recherche

Le Nouvelliste, Trois-Rivières, October 17th 2022


Le Shawiniganais Yannick Benoit a reçu une distinction de taille pour ses réalisations en recherche sur le cancer colorectal et son potentiel futur.

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Dr. Yannick Benoit joins elite group of early career scientists

Faculty of Medicine, University of Ottawa, October 13th 2022


Dr. Benoit is one of six national winners of Gairdner’s 2022 Early Career Investigator competition.

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University of Ottawa lab is establishing a link between G9a activity and pluripotency in colorectal cancer stem cells

Nature Research, Cancer Community, December 16th 2020


Behind the Paper - Assistant Professor Yannick D. Benoit is commenting on the most recent article from his lab, published in Oncogene.


Le cancer colorectal sous la loupe du chercheur shawiniganais Yannick Benoit

Le Nouvelliste, Trois-Rivières, November 30th 2020


Dr. Yannick Benoît a de nouveau été reconnu par ses pairs dernièrement, alors qu’il vient de recevoir une subvention majeure de 895 000 $ échelonnée sur cinq ans de la part des Instituts de Recherche en Santé du Canada afin de soutenir ses travaux concernant le cancer du côlon.


University of Ottawa lab takes aim at cancer stem cells

Capital Current, Ottawa, April 29th 2019


​Dr. Yannick Benoît and his lab at the University of Ottawa have been awaiting the arrival of a  spectral flow cytometry analyzer, cutting edge technology that could help him and his trainees contribute new information in cancer treatment research.


Meet Early Researcher Award winners Dr. Yannick Benoît and Dr. Kin Chan

Faculty of Medicine, University of Ottawa, June 1st 2018


The Early Researcher Awards aims to attract the brightest and best researchers to Ontario by providing funding to help new professors build a research team.

The Faculty of Medicine chatted with its winners for the exciting details of what they have planned for their teams.


Existing Drug Found to be Effective at Killing Cancer Stem Cells

Technology Networks, June 26th 2017


A team of researchers at McMaster University has identified a unique feature of cancer stem cells that can be exploited to kill the deadly cells thought to be the reason that cancer comes back after therapy. Understanding this feature will be useful for delivering more targeted cancer therapeutics to the right patients.


Aux Trousses du Cancer

L'Hebdo du St-Maurice, December 13th 2016


Natif de Saint-Georges-de-Champlain, Yannick Benoit a su très jeune qu’il se dirigerait vers les sciences. Aujourd’hui, celui qui est considéré comme l’un des chercheurs canadiens les plus prometteurs de sa génération est sur le point d’accéder à son premier poste de professeur à l’Université d’Ottawa, où il continuera à développer des traitements pour le cancer du côlon.

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Meet the Next Generation of Canadian Researchers: Yannick Benoit

McMaster University, September 25th 2015


Recently awarded a prestigious scholarship from CRS, hear from Dr. Yannick Benoit on what this will mean for his career.

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